Published research
How Foreign Multinationals Benefit from Acquiring Domestic Firms with Political Experience
2024. The Review of International Organizations.
Mobilization and Strategies: Comparing Trade Lobbying in the U.S. and Canada
2024. Comparative Political Studies (with Jan Stuckatz).
Foreign Lobbying through Domestic Subsidiaries
2024. Economics & Politics.
Foreign Direct Investment in Political Influence
2023. International Studies Quarterly.
Protection Forestall: Offshore Firms against Tariffs in their Own Industry
2022. Business and Politics 24(4): 377-398 (with Iain Osgood).
Firms Fight Back: Production Networks and Corporate Opposition to the China Trade War
2021. In Geopolitics, Supply Chains, and International Relations in East Asia, eds. Etel Solingen. Cambridge University Press.
Exports, Jobs, Growth! Congressional Hearings on US Trade Agreements
2019. Economics & Politics 31(1): 1-26 (with Iain Osgood).
China’s Nonmarket Economy Treatment and U.S. Trade Remedy Actions
2017. Journal of World Trade 15(3): 495-516.
Countervailing Duty against China: Opening a Pandora's Box in the WTO System?
2011. Journal of International Economic Law 14(2): 329-368 (with Dukgeun Ahn).
Selected working papers
Trade Lobbying Works (For Big Firms): Evidence form the China Trade War (with Ayse Eldes and Iain Osgood)
Allied Import Options Available? Finding Friendly Trade Partners Amidst Decoupling from China (with Ayse Eldes and Iain Osgood)
Rapidly Innovating Firms: Product Life Cycle and Support for Trade and IP Enforcement" (with Sujin Cha, Sojun Park and Iain Osgood)
Under Review.
Multinational Corporations' Strategic Lobbying Across Borders (with Jan Stuckatz)
Presented at PEIO 2024, VIPES 2023, APSA 2022.
Patent Litigation for Sale: Foreign Firms Offset Pro-U.S. Bias with Agency Lobbying (with Minju Kim)
Presented at IPES 2023.